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Come Follow Me for Us podcast

Jan 30, 2023

This lesson covers Matthew 4; and Luke 4-5.  To see the lesson in the manual, click HERE.  I talk about the temptations of the devil, knowing our worth, and fasting.  

Here is a LINK to my new website so you can sign up for the newsletter and be in the know about when the book will be available...

Jan 23, 2023

This Episode is about Repentance.  It's beautiful.  Here is the link to read the full lesson on the church's website.  Here is the link to my original post about it in...

Jan 16, 2023

In this episode, I talk about being good examples, being a light to others, and other fantastic stuff.  Please head over to @comefollowmeforus on Instagram for daily updates and new content.

Jan 11, 2023

Sorry I crammed two into one week.  I got off by a week.   I'm in the process of creating a new website so I'm not quite sure how to link the resources.  If this doesn't work, I apologize.  


Jan 9, 2023

In this episode, I interview my good friend Dawn about her son Porter who had a brain tumor removed when he was 15.  This episode was about waiting on the Lord and what to do when things don't go as planned or when we don't get the blessings we yearn for when we think we should.  Dawn speaks about the hope, light, and...