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Come Follow Me for Us podcast

Feb 27, 2023

This Episode is about the faith of different people who the Savior touched.   Here is a link to the lesson on the church's website. 

I will add the show notes as soon as possible.  

For the latest on everything, please visit

Feb 20, 2023

This episode is a special stand-alone episode about the power of the Book of Mormon.  I had the great opportunity to speak to a very humble man named Will Cook about his experience with finding, leaving, and then returning to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  

Feb 13, 2023

This episode is about the Sermon on the Mount, being peacemakers, being persecuted for righteousness' sake and how to be saltier - in a good way.  

Click HERE for the lesson in the manual.

Click HERE for resources I mention in the podcast.

Don't forget to go to to sign up for the email list so...

Feb 6, 2023

Here is a link to the lesson in the manual

After many stories and comments, this lesson actually talks about the miracle of turning water into wine, faith preceding the miracle, being born again, how Christ makes our lives magnificent, the woman at the well, and then finally, some FHE helps. (Ha Ha – wait for...